
Locksmith Tips During Holiday Season



Locksmith Tips During Holiday Season can be very helpful to you and you should take it seriously.  One of the first things we will talk about shopping at a department store.  Second is going out to bar or an entertaining atmosphere.  Third is just in case any of these type of thefts happen we will give you advice on how to protect your property as best as possible to avoid a tragedy.

Len Locksmith Port St Lucie has a lot of emergency calls during holiday season but we will talk about one case and explain what to do and not to.  When you go shopping during the holiday season you must be careful not to leave valuables exposed in the car.  That is very important cause there are a lot of thief’s just waiting to open your car and steal them.  If you have them hidden you can avoid a possible theft and he will go look for another car.  Second tip always keep you car keys in your hand in your pocket book where nobody can pick them up.  A lot of crooks will follow you in the store and try to grab your keys and then goto your car and take whatever they want and they know they have time cause you are in the store.  So major importance have your keys by you at all times during shopping.

A Lenny Locksmith Port St Lucie wants to bring up another scenario that can happen also.  They can steal your keys look in your car and get your address to your home and quickly get there and rob your house.  Now when you get out of store you think you just lost your keys and your car looks fine but in the meanwhile they are robbing your home and they know they have a lot of time because you will either have somebody bring a spare key or have to call a Locksmith to make a new key.  So if this happens smartest is to call 911 and explain to the dispatcher and have them check on the house and have somebody stay there till you get home.  But remember first call 911 and let them check the house cause just in case the crooks are there let the authorities handle the crises.  Len Locksmith Port St Lucie has seen this happen to victims its so sad and if we can avoid it lets avoid it.

A Lenny Locksmith Port St Lucie also wants to remind you when you go out be it at a bar or entertaining atmosphere keep you keys out of site.  Remember people can easily take a picture of your key and they can have the cuts and can get a key made from it.  So if somebody might know where you live and now they have a picture of your key the can rob your car or house anytime they want.  So remember always keep your keys in your pocket or pocket book not exposed.  If any of these nightmares happen remember change your house locks and even if you have idea it could of happen rekey your locks it better to be save then sorry.

You can call Len Locksmith Port St Lucie anytime for any questions you might have.


Locksmith Tips During Holiday Season


Locksmith Tips During Holiday Season